Wonderful Maharaja Tent
- Product Code - ARAJ611 (2)
- 4m X 6m, 5m X 10m, 6m X 9m, 6m X 10m, 8m X 12m, 9m X 12m, 10m X 15m, 12m X18m
You may have a large, comfortable tent for every circumstance. However, Maharaja Tents are unparalleled. The structure's opulence attracts everyone’s eyes. Maharaja Tents are ideal for formal events, parties, weddings, and other receptions. It is typically built to seat approximately 60 people or 100 people standing. It is one of the most enormous tents in our collection of many different tents. These tents can also be found in resorts or hotels with outside dining spaces. They are also perfect for meeting the camping requirements of hoteliers and event planners. To complete the structure and present the Indian design in simplicity, we add regal additions and ornaments to our Indian Tents.